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Effective for combined OCEAN freight to VVO only

Preparation for Master Bill of Lading

Shipper Actual shipper or Freight forwarder

Woojin Trans Co. ,Ltd

#55, 1 Ga Kwanghee -Dong, Chung Gu , Seoul Korea Attn :Ms.H.H.Suh , Tel: (82-2)2274-5510 Fax: 82-2-2274 5466
Notify party Same as consignee
Port of loading Actual port of loading
Port of discharge Pusan, Korea
Place of discharge Pusan CFS, Korea
Description All descriptions should match Packing List but following remark should be inserted into description of Master Bill of Lading
"Shipment in-transit cargo to Vladivostok , Russia via Pusan, Korea".
Master OBL marked freight prepaid (or collect) nad original Master B/L must be surrendered in the Port of Loading

Preparation for House Bill of Lading

Shipper As per packing list prepared by shipper
Consignee As per packing list prepared by shipper
Notify party As per packing list prepared by shipper
Port of loading Original port of loading\ origin
Port of Discharge Pusan\ Korea or Vladivstok\ Russia as per terms of LC
Place of Delivery Pusan\ Korea or Vladivstok\ Russia as per terms of LC
Description All descriptions should match Packing List but following remark should be inserted into description of Master Bill of Lading
"Shipment in-transit cargo to Vladivostok, Russia via Pusan, Korea".

3. Document Requirement For Transhipment

Please fax below document to us upon vessel sailing in Port of Loading .

1 copy of surrendered Master B/L marked Freight Prepaid.
1 copy of House B/L marked freight collect or prepaid depend on export term.
1 copy of Packing List
1 copy of Commercial Invoice

Please do not show actual consignee name in Russia on the Master B/L.
All actual shipper/ consignee details must be cover on the House B/L only.
Above documents shall be reach to us at least 3 days before vessel arrive in Pusan .
Persons in Charge for Woojin Trans.

Mr. Huyn Ki Jung Export manager hkj@woojintrans.com Mobile 82-16-727 1369
Ms Janna Lee Booking reservation with carrier janna@woojintrans.com Mobile 82-11- 772 6171
Ms. Anna

Handling outward cargo to Vladivostok and make control booking and make preparation of outward Document for ocean

Ms. H.H.Suh Cargo handling Inward to Pusan asys1@woojintrans.com
Ms.Asya asys1@woojintrans.com Mobile 82-11-585 6340

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